
I am wondering why Totem Maker do not have tutorials for using the minilab, I have got the minilab and its great but the only thing it is let down by is the total lack of any tutorial material.

Thanks Chris

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Inderdaad ik heb hetzelfde probleem, heb de minilab en de totemDuino,
Nergens is er op het internet iets van te vinden, eerlijk gezegd kan ik er nu niet mee verder, ik heb ook de 3 zijpanelen, maar hetzelfde probleem,
Dus ik ken het probleem ook,

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first - thank you for creating some tutorials. Community contribution is welcome. It builds a knowledge base for future users.

We provide manuals and information for using our products. Mini Lab is a development tool empowering you to create and test your projects, tinker with electronic components. So, instructions tells how to build and use a Mini Lab, but lacks of teaching material on using certain electronic components. Mini Lab uses Arduino ecosystem, so there are many tutorials on the Internet for each particular case.

Mini Lab summary

Mini Lab: Shop | Assembly Instructions | Totem building hints | Demo project
Main control boards:
Lab Board: Shop | User guide | Schematics
Totem Duino: Shop | User guide | Schematics
Electronic components:
I/O side panel: Shop | User guide | Demo projects
Sensor side panel: Shop | User guide | Demo projects
Audio side panel: Shop | User guide | Demo projects

Arduino programming language: Language Reference
Arduino tutorials for connecting and programming particular components: Built-In Examples


MiniLab documentation has been updated and now available online: https://docs.totemmaker.net/mini-lab/