Totem Mini Lab – (1) Discontinued? (2) Windows 7?


I am considering purchasing a Totem Mini Lab.
But I am having 2 questions …

On the “Totem Mini Lab - Mini Electronics Laboratory |”-Webpage it shows “Out of stock”.
Does that mean the product has been continued?

I am planning to use an old laptop running “Windows 7”.
Can I use it to connect with the Totem Mini Lab for Arduino coding?

Thanks in advance


Does that mean the product has been continued?

We currently are replenishing our stock and it will get back on sale. Totem Mini Lab is one of our oldest product and it is still being supported and developing. We will continue to sell it and don’t have plans to discontinue it.

I am planning to use an old laptop running “Windows 7”

Using Windows 7 should be fine as long as Arduino IDE supports this operating system version.
From hardware side TotemDuino uses USB-to-Serial chip to communicate with a computer.

Mini Lab is back in stock: Totem Mini Lab - Mini Electronics Laboratory |