Totem Library v1.2.0

Totem Library

New version is available to install in Arduino IDE.
Single “Totem Library” now became a pack multiple headers for remote control of Totem products.
Use of #include <Totem.h> is deprecated and will be removed.
Check new code examples in File → Examples → Totem Library.
All library features can be found in documentation site:

// Control over BLE
#include <TotemBLE.h>              // Discover Totem boards (scan)
#include <TotemMiniControlBoard.h> // Connect Mini Control Board
#include <TotemRoboBoardX3.h>      // Connect RoboBoard X3
#include <TotemRoboBoardX4.h>      // Connect RoboBoard X4
// Control over Serial
#include <TotemLabBoard.h>         // Interface Mini Lab

Remote board control

Remotely control Totem boards from external ESP32 board.
Simply include header file to establish connection and send commands.
More information and API reference:

#include <TotemMiniControlBoard.h>
TotemMiniControlBoard board;
void setup() {
  board.connect(); // Find and connect over Bluetooth
#include <TotemRoboBoardX3.h>
TotemRoboBoardX3 board;
void setup() {
  board.connect(); // Find and connect over Bluetooth
#include <TotemRoboBoardX4.h>
TotemRoboBoardX4 board;
void setup() {
  board.connect(); // Find and connect over Bluetooth
  board.rgbColor(0, 128, 0); // Set RGB to green
  board.servoSpinA(50); // Spin Servo motor A

User defined controls

Library allows to exchange user defined data with RoboBoard.
See documentation for more options:

Totem Library:

#include <TotemRoboBoardX4.h>
TotemRoboBoardX4 board;
void setup() {
  board.connect(); // Find and connect over Bluetooth
  board.sendValue(1, 100); // Send to X4
  board.sendString(2, "Hello"); // Send to X4

RoboBoard X4:

// Intercept value sent by sendValue() (from Totem Library)
void onReceiveValue(int id, int value) {

// Intercept string sent by sendString() (from Totem Library)
void onReceiveString(int id, String string) {

void setup() {
  // Start Totem App service
  // Register receive value handlers

Mini Lab

Same code interface is followed trough LabBoard control over Serial

#include <TotemLabBoard.h>
TotemLabBoard board;
void setup() {
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