RoboBoard X3 won't upload code

Hi… I have a similar problem. I am trying to load my code to RB x3 but it doesnt blink when I am loading and there is no output when i input something in serial monitor from Arduino.

What am I doing wrong ?

Moved question to new topic (different hardware).

In Arduino IDE:

  1. Select Tools → Board → Totem Boards → RoboBoard X3
  2. Open File → Examples → RoboBoard → RGB → ColorRun
  3. Connect RoboBoard to PC (over USB)
  4. Select Tools → Port → (new COMx should appear when X3 is connected)
  5. Click Upload button and wait for compile & upload to finish
  6. RoboBoard should start blinking RGB lights.

Which step are you having issues with? Any errors displayed?
Additionally you can open “Device Manager” (Windows start menu) application to view if RoboBoard is detected by USB. It also displays COM port it is assigned to.