Minilab menu

Ok. I see the problem. To recover board - some tricky setup is required.

  1. Prepare empty Mini Lab with “labboard_update.ino” loaded to TotemDuino.
    (no need to remove boards from frame).

  2. Connect jumper cables accordingly:
    (red) D0TXD
    (brown) D1DIG2
    (yellow) GNDRST (6 pin header)
    (orange) 3V3 → Nothing (leave hanging)

  3. Plug in DC adapter to TotemDuino.

  4. Now tricky step:
    • Touch second pin from bottom with (orange) wire, connected to 3V3.
    • Unplug (yellow) wire from GND and remove wire from pin.
    0.5v LED will probably light up, indicating LabBoard is in boot state. If not - continue still.

  5. Click Reset button on TotemDuino and wait a few seconds. It should upload the firmware.